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12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas 

  1. On the first day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to water my Christmas tree. House fires are common in December due to extra candles being lit and more live greens in the house. A dry tree is more likely to catch fire than a well-watered one.  

  2. On the second day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to check my Christmas lights. While outdoor lights are beautiful this time of year be sure to double check that they are meant for outdoors, are not missing any bulbs, or have any electrical cords exposed.  

  3. On the third day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to shovel and salt walkways. Keep your visitors, loved ones, and delivery personals safe by providing them with walkways that are free of snow and ice. We would hate for you to be liable for an injury or for you to be injured yourself.  

  4. On the fourth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to clear ALL the snow off my car. Snow left on the roof of your car can impact the eyesight of drivers behind you or fall onto your windshield causing you to not be able to see.  

  5. On the fifth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to get my designated driver something special. While drinking and driving is NEVER okay it is even worse with slippery roads. Book your designated driver for your holiday parties and be sure to get them something nice.  

  6. On the sixth day of Christmas, my insurance prover told me to plan ahead. With winter roads you need to add at least 20 minutes to your drive time. Plan extra travel time, slow down, and get to your destination safely.  

  7. On the seventh day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to winterize my car. At any time, Michigan weather can hit which means you need to make sure your tires are in good condition, filled with enough air, and are cleared of snow and ice. It is also a great idea to keep a first aid kit, blankets, extra gloves, and warm winter boots in your car in case you are stuck. 

  8. On the eighth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to protect my home. If you are traveling for extended periods over the holidays, be sure to have a home security system set up or have a trusted person keep an eye on your house. Break ins are high around the holidays.  

  9. On the nineth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to protect the gifts. Packages often go ‘missing’ around the holidays so be sure to keep track of when your packages are arriving. If you are out shopping leave a blanket in your car to cover up those gifts.  

  10. On the tenth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to check URLs. There are a lot of great online stores. However, not all websites are safe. Be sure to do some digging on a site before ordering if it is not one you typically order from.  

  11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to ensure my expensive gifts. Do not wait to add insurance on that expensive piece of jewelry until you give it, be sure to add insurance once you buy it in case it gets lost or stolen.  

  12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my insurance provider told me to decorate with care. With a million ways to decorate your house for the holidays if you have pets or little ones be sure there is nothing that could be harmful to them if they can get their hands on it. 

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