Monroe County Fair Supporter
The Monroe County Fair was started back in the 1830s to promote and educate on the agricultural industry. This fair bounced around all over Michigan until 1947 when it was determined this fair needed a permanent location. Since then the fair has grown and been established as 'Michigan's Finest Fair. The Starr agency loves to be a part of this fair and enjoys the time to educate and connect with the people within our community.
The 2023 Monroe County Fair was a huge success! We spoke to over 200 people who also entered our raffle to win a Blackstone Griddle and we handed out Farm Bureau cups, koozies, pens, pencils, and mints! It was incredible to see the fair come to life and to watch those who participated in the different 4-H events.

4H Fair Auction
The Starr Agency was honored to purchase Emma Dobberstein's Reserve Champion Chickens at the 4H County Fair Auction this year! The Dobberstein Farm crew is really the best around! Even better, we were able to donate both MASSIVE birds to Heather Boone at Oaks of Righteousness to help provide a feast for hungry Monroe families! It all started with Emma and the time and effort she put into 4H! Monroe is lucky to have you, your family, and the fantastic 4H of the Monroe organization!